Nike Training App Review

If you’re looking for an amazing app to workout from home Nike Training Club is an excellent option. The high quality workouts you can find are free and there’s no interruption with advertisement. Of course there is product placement and links to the store but it never goes in the way of your session.

A lot of different types of exercises are available: yoga, strength training, cardio… You can pick up your level from beginner to advanced and the videos also vary in time from 5 minutes to 60 minutes. All workouts are created by professional trainers.

Every single time I’m using it I’m pleasantly surprised and very often end up watching at several videos. There are many options and programs available. I love the “Big Workouts for Small Spaces”, “Done in Under 20” or the genius “Cycle Sync Your Training.”

It’s extremely user-friendly and everything is explained clearly and in great detail. The trainer repeats several times what a good form should look like. Even after years of training I like hearing what a correct form is. It’s essential to be aware of your position while exercising so you don’t hurt yourself and get the maximum of your training.

Screenshot of a NTC workout. Exercises are timed and explained clearly in videos.

Screenshot of a NTC workout. Exercises are timed and explained clearly in videos.

The Nike Training Club app keeps track of your history and encourages you with virtual trophies. Based on what you do you’ll get recommendations.

I also appreciate the Nutrition and Wellness advice that are offered in the app. You can find topics like “Why You Should Care About Micronutrients” or “4 Healthy Ways to Eat Healthier at Home.” Again a good quality content for free.

You can add friends who are also using the app and share your progress with them.

Get the NTC app for IOS and Android here.
